1. 暖身暖聲-- 正知呼吸,用全身來發聲囉!
2. 能量泉源—從簡單的母音,鍛鍊丹田,體驗共鳴腔與脈輪。
3. 即興聲音-- 以輕鬆活潑的遊戲,學習節奏、旋律、合聲、獨唱等。
4. 世界歌謠-- 非洲、藏族、夏威夷部落、台灣部落的歌謠。
5. 聲音淨心-- 享受身心靈SPA!
時間: 2015年2月1日(週日),10:00-16:00 (午餐自理12:00-13:00)
地點: 台北捷運公館站旁,報名完成後另行通知細節。
費用: NT$ 1600 (*滿10人開課)
中國信託銀行新店分行 (代號822) 314540127317 戶名:謝韻雅
* Email to: amovingsound@gmail.com (姓名、聯絡方式、匯款後五碼帳戶帳號)
師資:謝韻雅Mia Hsieh
清華大學畢業,獲Fulbright學人獎銜赴紐約進修。二十年投入表演藝術領域,跨界舞蹈、器樂、人聲,其充滿穿透力的聲音,常在瞬間引領聽者進入神秘的內在感動。擔任聲動樂團主唱,受邀赴歐、美、亞洲十多國家演出,國際媒體Discovery、BBC採訪。師事當代人聲藝術家Meredith Monk、Lynn Book、Rhiannon,於Aveda、學學文創、客家電台、藝術劇團等授課,是台灣少數融合聲音創造力與靈性療癒的藝術家。
MiaVoice One Day Workshop, 2015/2/1
Singing Circle
Singing class with Mia, a creative singer, dancer and sound healer! We’re going to experience the positive power through the “Singing Circle”.
The class is designed with gradual progress in both vocal technique and heart opening. Through the fun vocal game and support from the group, students are encouraged to explore their voice and express it out freely. Teaching content includes: vocal warm up, group inprovisation technigue, solo expression and sound meditation circle at the end of every class.
Notice: class will be mainly spoken in Mandarin with some keywords guidance in English if there are foreign students.
Time: Feb. 1st, Sunday 10:00-16:00 (Lunch break12:00-13:00)
Fee: NT$ 1600 (not including lunch)
Venue: near MRT Kong-Kuan station
* Please email me your name and contact info for registration: amovingsound@gmail.com After that, I’ll email you the payment account and venue details.